Net::SMTP DBI Mail::Address Email::Valid sub start_form_Booking { my($ctxt)=@_; } sub validate_Lastname { my($ctxt,$value)=@_; $value=~s/^\s*//; $value=~s/\s*$//; die "You must enter a last name" unless length($value); } sub validate_Firstname { my($ctxt,$value)=@_; $value=~s/^\s*//; $value=~s/\s*$//; die "You must enter a first name" unless length($value); } sub validate_Email { my($ctxt,$value)=@_; die "You must enter a valid email address" unless Email::Valid->address($value); } sub submit_send { my($ctxt,$value)=@_; my $date = scalar localtime; my $name=$ctxt->{Form}{Firstname} . " " . $ctxt->{Form}{Lastname}; my $addr = Mail::Address->new($name, $ctxt->{Form}{Email}) or die "Unable to build From: address"; my $them = $addr->format(); my $us= "osswatch-data\"; my $host=""; my $user="www-data"; my $pwd=""; my $Contact=0; my $List=0; if ($ctxt->{Form}{Contact} eq 'true') { $Contact=1;} if ($ctxt->{Form}{List} eq 'true') { $List=1;} my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=osswatch;host=$host;port=5432",$user,$pwd) or die "cannot connect to osswatch database"; my $rc = $dbh->do("INSERT INTO bookings ( Event,Title, Lastname, Firstname, Email, Job, Department, Organisation, Street, City, County, PostCode, Phone, Fax, Diet, Access, Contact, List,status) VALUES (2,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,? )", {}, $ctxt->{Form}{Title}, $ctxt->{Form}{Lastname}, $ctxt->{Form}{Firstname}, $ctxt->{Form}{Email}, $ctxt->{Form}{Job}, $ctxt->{Form}{Department}, $ctxt->{Form}{Organisation}, $ctxt->{Form}{Street}, $ctxt->{Form}{City}, $ctxt->{Form}{County}, $ctxt->{Form}{PostCode}, $ctxt->{Form}{Phone}, $ctxt->{Form}{Fax}, $ctxt->{Form}{Diet}, $ctxt->{Form}{Access}, $Contact, $List, 0 ); if ($rc != 1) { die "YIKES. Failed to update database, code $rc:" . $dbh->errstr; } $dbh->disconnect; # to be changed to osswatch-data\"; my $message = <<"EOT"; To: $them From: $us Subject: OSS Watch Conference registration confirmation Dear $ctxt->{Form}{Firstname} $ctxt->{Form}{Lastname}, Thank you for registering for the OSS Watch conference on Support Models for Open Source Deployment on Thursday, 3 June, in London. The venue for the conference is The Diskus Conference Centre in Holborn, London. The address is Transport House, 128 Theobald's Road, London WC1 ( The nearest underground station is Holborn on the Picadilly and Central lines. Registration on the day is between 9:30 and 10:00, with the opening session starting at 10:00. The conference ends at 17:00. Please let us know if, for any reason, you find you are not able to attend, in order that someone on the waiting list may attend in your place. Note: OSS Watch reserves the right to limit the number of delegates attending from a single institution. We look forward to seeing you on the June 3rd. Best wishes, Randy Metcalfe Communications Manager OSS Watch EOT my $smtp= Net::SMTP->new('') or die; $smtp->mail($us); $smtp->recipient($them); $smtp->data($message); if ($smtp->quit) { } else { die "message sending failed" } $message = <<"EOT"; To: $us From: $them Subject: conference booking from $them $ctxt->{Form}{Firstname} $ctxt->{Form}{Lastname} booked on $date for the OSS Watch Conference on June 3rd in London Title: $ctxt->{Form}{Title} Firstname: $ctxt->{Form}{Firstname} Lastname: $ctxt->{Form}{Lastname} Email: $ctxt->{Form}{Email} Job: $ctxt->{Form}{Job} Department: $ctxt->{Form}{Department} Organisation: $ctxt->{Form}{Organisation} Street: $ctxt->{Form}{Street} City: $ctxt->{Form}{City} County: $ctxt->{Form}{County} PostCode: $ctxt->{Form}{PostCode} Phone: $ctxt->{Form}{Phone} Fax: $ctxt->{Form}{Fax} Diet: $ctxt->{Form}{Diet} Access: $ctxt->{Form}{Access} Contact: $Contact List: $List EOT $smtp= Net::SMTP->new('') or die; $smtp->mail($them); $smtp->recipient($us); $smtp->data($message); if ($smtp->quit) { return "confirm.xml" } else { return "." } } Support Models for Open Source Deployment - registration OSS Watch, Oxford University OSS Watch 2004-04-01

This is the master version of an original document, created by converting an HTML file to TEI XML on 2001/09/06.

2004-04-01 author Sebastian Rahtz creation

overview | programme | booking form | further information


There is no fee to attend Support Models for Open Source Deployment if you are from a UK higher or further education institution. However, you must register in order to attend. If you are not from a UK institution of further or higher education but would like to attend this event, please contact OSS Watch prior to registering, The event is catered and limited to the first 100 individuals who register. Registrations beyond our capacity audience will be placed on a waiting list, and registrants will be notified as soon as a place becomes available. (Note: OSS Watch reserves the right to limit the number of delegates attending from a single institution.) Please let us know if, for any reason, you find you are not able to attend, in order that someone on the waiting list may attend in your place.

On completing the registration form you will automatically be sent an email confirmation. If you do not receive an email confirmation of your booking please contact

Personal Details: Title: First name: Last Name E-mail address: Job title (or "Student"): Department: Institution/organisation: Street: Town/City: Region/County: Postal code: Telephone: Fax:

Additional Information

Special dietary requirements:

Access requirements:

Please include my name and institution in the delegates list on June 3rd:

Please add my name and email address to the list so that I may be kept in formed of future OSS Watch developments and events: